Friday, 9 December 2011

When I walk the tracks, will you stand by me?- Review

While studying for the test, I watched the clip where
Stephen King, Rob Reiner, and sveral actual casts of the movie came out.

Except from Chris(River Pheonix died early), both old and young Gordie, Vern, Teddy, and Ace came out(And they changed alot~!).

Older Gordie
Although he did not have many scenes dedicated to himself, he was a wonderful narrator as Rob said. I reaaly liked that even at the time when this clip was shot, he still ha that voice. I think he'd be a good dubbing artist as well as an actor.
If he ever records an audio book, I'll remember to purchas it, and if there's a children's book, I'll start my kid's english with the book. I think such a voice would help my kid to more options than ordinary people.
I think I concentrate so much on voice because I lost my child voice as I matured and I feel deprived of the kinds of emotions I can express with my voice.

Rob Reiner
I think there was reason for Stephen King to like this guy. I found out by googling that Stephen King disliked many of the Hollywood films based on his novels cauz the screen writers and the directors changed the story so much(we also discussed it in class). But, I thik Rob was able to associate with King's feelings for real.

Younger Gordie
Wheaton grew up to be the doll faced youngster i hoped him to become. Personally, when I first saw him at Mr.Garrioch's class, I thought around now he might have become corrupted like that boy in Home Alone. But, he sounded quite bright in the clip. I think that perhepse he was the only kid that was really acting in the film. Teddy and Vern seem like as if they naturally ha the characteristics they were expected to have while Chris also had a similar background, I think. But, I think Wheaton had to really act about the parts where he is negelected from his parents. I dn't think parents willing to take his/her child to a movie try-out would have been neglectful to their child.
Overall, I like Wheaton immensly. I just saw a photo of him in his late thirties and....well everyone ages~.

I'd like to have O'connell by my side around times like this, when I get blue and all soaked up by rain. I laughed my stress away when Rob mentioned about he's first encounter with O'connell. I think O'connell's really like Vern from The Body. I ccan just imagine O'connell burying pennies under the porch.

I don't have much to say about him because I didn't like Teddy from the first place and Feldmen doesn't appear alot in the clips. But, I was a bit surprised to fnd out that Feeldmen temprarily gave up acting for almost a decade before a comebak in 2008. Still, I approve of his choice to direct a film. I would lke to watch how he put his hear to te film.

Sutherland seems familiar to me even though apparently I didn;t see any films where he came out as the main character. He seems likable despite the apparent potentials of making really scary threats. I won't like it if I had to go against him. I think Sutherland did a great job of acting Ace.Especially parts where he stops his gang with one motion. At first, I wanted to see how Sutherland plyed the scenes where he beat up Gordie, but afyter watching the whole clip, I decided that it would not do for Sutherland to run away in such a disgraceful way.


  1. Nice post! Something different is good. Sutherland is a scary dude. After this movie he did "The Lost Boys." You should check it out. Very scary! Teddy is in it to.

  2. Learned some interesting stuff from this. Good to see you googling.
