Sunday, 2 February 2014

30 things about myself

1. Some of my friends think I'm like 첵스초코, the chocolate cereal that we eat at the cafeteria in the morning

2. I share my room with the same roommates back from last semester 

3. I dropped the habit of using English names because I felt that my name, "David" is too biblical for me, who does not go to church
4. I'm seriously worried about drinking because one side of my family members can't drink at all. Some of them actually fainted after trying beer at college. But, the on the other side, its common for one person to drink two bottles of Soju alone

5. I'm expecting double eyelids, because every male on my father's line acquired them after enrolling in the army  

6. I'm interested in shoes. I have a habit of examining my friends' shoes when we are at 민교관 and people leave their shoes on the door steps. I can guess pretty accurately who somebody is just by looking at their shoes

7. I love music

8. But I couldn't listen to music before junior high because my mother basically banned music from the house

9. Instead I spent all my spare time reading books when I was little

10. My favorite in childhood was [My Sweet Orange Tree] by Jose Mauro de Vasconcelos

11. I still keep reading as a hobby and have added such books as [A Tale of Two Cities] by Charles Dickens, [The Geography of Thought] by Richard E. Nisbett, [Kite Runner] by Khaled Hosseini, and [Blink] by Malcolm Gladwell to my list of favorites

12. I started listening to music by going to a book store that played songs by SG Wannabe everyday

13. Once introduced to the heaven called music, I found that my father is a music lover like me and expanded my music listening to my father's car

14. During these days, I came to love old songs by musicians such as Simon& Garfunkel and Queen

15. After that a big boost occurred in my second year at high school. I took an year off from school. At this time I would listen to music all night if I felt like it. My favorite musicians at this time were Gotye, Katatonia, Sigur Ros, Broken Valentine, Smashing Pumpkins, Aphrodite's Child, and Coldplay. Even now, I like these musicians the best because I still remember that they kept me on my feet in that year

16. One point that I found interesting was that despite listening to all kinds of strange music, I never listened to hip hop. But, that changed in last fall when 김현채 and 구한결 recorded dissing raps at 김홍순. Infatuated, I started listening to Simon D, Jazzyfact, and other such hip hop musicians as well

17. All those books and music would portray me as a geek, which I actually am. But, I'm also into Ultimate Frisbee

18. I was introduced to Ultimate Frisbee when I met Mr. Hinde at KMLA. With him and some of my friends who by chance happened to take Mr. Hinde's class at the time, I began playing Ultimate Frisbee

19. My passion for Ultimate Frisbee reached its peak when I came back to school from an year's rest. Again by chance, Ultimate Frisbee introduced me to new friends, with whom I revived the Ultimate Frisbee Organization

20. I not only came to play Ultimate Frisbee but also became interested with professional leagues - specifically, their history and the problems with the administration

21. Among the teams registered in MLU, I support San Francisco Dogfish and Boston Whitecaps


22. But, my all time favorite team is the Buzz Bullets, a Japanese team that does not compete in professional leagues but still manage to thwart USA all-stars half the time they meet


23. Other than Frisbee, music, and books, I like traveling

24. I even skipped school for a whole month in 6th grade and traveled around Europe

25. My worst memories were at Prague where people not only didn't speak English but was also hostile to anyone who tried to communicate in English

26. Because of their antagonism, it took me three hours just to send some stuff at the postal office

27. My best memories were at Pompeii and SorrentoPompeii, I liked because of its historical significance, but Sorrento I loved because it was simply the most beautiful town I've ever seen to this day.

28. Other than, Europe, I've been to Egypt

29. I've never played League of Legends

30. Right now, 2:14 am of Feb, 6th, 2014, I want to tan myself at a terrace in Casablanca, Morocco with my roommates  


  1. Again, I love the cereal thing for its quirkiness. Save that for later maybe. It might work. It might end up spilled milk.

    In any case, I think a touching narrative (fun in tone) about your dad and you cruising around together sharing music might be great. Feel free to list songs and artists in a playful way, not lingering on the odd fact that your mom hates music too much. The heart of the essay is you and your dad being together, crossing a generation gap, and how "a song in your head" is what keeps you going. I look forward to a great essay. Read some Malcolm Gladwell before you write.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Mr. Garrioch!
    I'll start on it.. but when would this be due?
