Forty percent of the world’s population depend on Mt. Himalaya for water. But, if the world does not take action to a certain event, these people might face a serious problem with their water supplies in the near future. Mt. Himalaya’s glaciers are the root of the seven rivers that pour into the Indian peninsula, Tibetan plateau, Indochina, and China itself. The problem is that due to drastic changes in the earth’s temperature, those glaciers are about to melt. This leads to the drying up of the reservoir of forty percent of the world’s population. If the world is to prevent this from becoming a reality, measures need to be taken regarding the mitigation of climate change.
Climate change as used in this essay refers to drastic changes in the climate due to human activities. To the norm, climate change is often recognized as ice melting in the glaciers. However, climate change is more complicated than a single event. Climate change is triggered by the emission of green house gases which results in trapping more heat in the earth’s atmosphere than is needed. In the recent sixty years, this phenomenon has grown even more and scientists have begun to recognize the threat this brings. Because the heat does not leave Earth, the overall temperature rises, resulting in climate change. Hence, the world should admit climate change and take measures to it.
However, some people claim that climate change is merely a fraud. These people play with skepticism and make the innocent public doubt the facts. Mostly, these people object to climate change with the following three assertions: that it is only a manipulation by superpowers, that it is merely a natural cycle, and that the statistics are not consistent.
Nevertheless, such doubts do not stand valid when compared to solid logic. First, the graphs and the statistics people are presented with cannot be manipulated. Even if we take into account the possibility that a few results might be fabricated by superpowers, people cannot deny the mountains of research from all around the world that stand witness to the climate change happening in our life. Second, it is true that there is a cyclic pattern with Earth’s temperature. However, the recent rise in Earth’s temperature is far greater than the rise in the past. Even the rise during the medieval warm-age skeptical people point at, is less than one/fifth of the rise that is happening currently. Third, the difference of statistics is due to the regional distinctness each country has. This results in the diverseness of the effects of climate change; in certain areas, it appears in the form of melting glaciers, while in other areas, it appears in the form of record-breaking floods.
Therefore, it is inevitable that the world needs to register climate change as a serious threat and take actions. Actions should be taken in three levels; government scale, private industry scale, individual citizens scale. Since, climate change is not restricted the specific regions, governments need to work on intergovernmental cooperation on this issue. This can be achieved through frequent international conferences such as the UN Climate Change Conference that is held annually. Also governments should help in producing unbiased research. Recently, the IPCC has reached this state and has succeeded in providing reliable facts for people to discuss on. Meanwhile, private industries should focus on green growth. By adopting green technologies and participating in mitigation plans, greener growth can be achieved. Also, hosting events that bring public interest to this issue can help.
Lastly, individuals should try to learn more on climate change. By becoming educated on this issue, they can make wise actions in their daily life, such as separate-garbage-collection and buying products manufactured by green technology.
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