Sunday, 13 November 2011


Popularism. This concept means the opposite of many values that I cherish and look upon as a golden rule for my actions. The concept contradicts values such as individuality-the value of originality that each being has, diversity-the value of differences made by comparison to other beings, respect for the minority-the value of regarding minorities as no less than the majority merely for numbers. Hence throughout my years, when I was faced with the task of having to deal with a mob of people unable to think as individuals but as a part of the flow that were guiding them, I met despair.
The thought of people moving towards a certain purpose without actually recognizing what it would result in always terrified me. People affected by popularism could act without consideration, they could commit crimes and feel no remorse for it, and what’s more could justify their actions under the name of the will of majority. People would destroy people’s individuality and feel no remorse for the damage inflicted to the individuals. People would try to fit others into the same standard as they had and forget about the loss of diversity that each person had. People would force minorities into submission with the sheer power created by majority and believe that they were a democratic group.
To me such a thought was no better than drugs or drinks that make people forget themselves. When people fell in the flow and became a mob jointed by popularism, they were no better off than people who had drunk past their limit or who had taken a pill of marihuana. To me, polpularism was what made sane people lose their sanity and commit such wrongs without realizing it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you could be alluding to fascism, Nazism, racism, or any of the other many "isms" this world sadly possess. You know what would make these many little mini-essays stand out? Pictures. What picture do you think would help the context of your words here?

    On a side note, I enjoy reading these many little things you write, but I think you should prioritize and pay more attention to the assigned work.: ) As in the TED/SAT exercise.
